Portfolio analysis

Credit monitoring managers, study center analysts, NPL / UTP experts and many other professionals often need to analyze portfolios or market segments composed of a large number of positions. However, the information available is often partial, decentralized, out of date and difficult to manage even for excel experts.

The traditional approach involves a methodology "TopDown"; the most important positions are analyzed individually, the secondary ones in an aggregate manner, on the basis of criteria defined on paper but which they hardly take into account the specific characteristics of the portfolio and / or the availability and quality of the data. Following this approach, the risk of making mistakes is very high.

During the session we show how it is possible to analyze and cluster a business portfolio having as input a list of tax codes or search criteria; we will show how to segment and evaluate the portfolio in a dynamic way, updating the analyzes at the same time as the availability of new information, financial statements or updated accounting situations.

We also show the risks of adopting traditional segmentation criteria or simple sector combinations.

In summary we show how to create a dynamic observatory capable of providing aggregate information being able to go back, at any time, to the detailed information, up to the individual accounts that determined each balance.

Theoretical session speaker:
Ivan LEAF - Executive Partner at inFinance.it

Practical session speaker:
Alessandro FISCHETTI - Leanus Administrator

Pasquale NACLERIO - Head of Major Risks and Monitoring Banca Ifis


NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
