The True Engine of Italy
The analysis of the financial statements of the top 246.963 companies with 2018 revenues greater than € 500.000, shows an image of Italy that is different from expectations and that overall appears to be in good health: € 2.384 billion in revenues, Ebitda 7,7%, € 443 billion in debt with banks against € 1.163 billion of shareholders' equity; ROE 7,6%, ROI: 4,83%. € 211 billion available cash at the end of 2018.
These are the numbers at an aggregate level. As reported in the Milano Finanza article, the analysis of the individual realities shows that about 6.000 enterprises (2,5% of total) they alone move a large part of the country's economy (60% of Revenues, 63% of Ebitda, 55% of Net Equity, 44% of Bank Debt). Among the companies in the sample, 500 TOP companies emerge, selected on the basis of the best economic, equity and financial profile. The first three in terms of turnover are Pietro Fiorentini SPA, FOMA SpA, Aermec. The first company in Southern Italy (Naples) is Kimbo Spa.
Vincenzo Perrone - Full Professor of L. Bocconi University
Nicholas CAROSIELLI - Journalist at Milano Finanza
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