The Database of Italian financial statements Leanus - how to research and analyze companies

If we combine the over 200 filters that Leanus makes available to search for Italian companies, we are able to profile in a very sophisticated way the companies of our country.

Which ones grow and need long-term finance? Which would benefit lines on working capital? Who has the better market performance? Which companies to use like benchmarks? Which are the best target? In which is it worth investing?

I am alone some examples of applications of a new technology which, unlike traditional databases, allows not only the search and extraction of names to be carried out within the platform but also that of processing and analysis which is normally done in Excel, generating average savings of 60-70% on the assets of "Number crunching" and presentation of the results.

This Leanus feature is very useful to all who deal with it private equity, M&A, subsidized finance, corporate commercial development, business consulting, investment and financial analysis.


NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
