The limits of comparisons and searches based on the Ateco Codes

l Nace Codes, the acronym for ATtivity ECOnomica, is an alphanumeric combination that has the goal of identify the sector of activity of each Italian company. The ATECO classification is adopted both for statistical, fiscal and contributory purposes in order to simplify the information managed by public administrations and institutions.

It is really useful to carry out a sectoral study or search for the best benchmark? Allows you to quickly identify businesses who share the same business model? During the webinar we see through several real examples how the use of the Ateco Code alone can mislead the analyst and above all what process to adopt to check errors and obtain the best result based on the information available.


NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.
