This is how construction companies are rated
Codes 41, 42 and 43 correspond to the Ateco Codes used by Professionals, Credit Managers and Advisors to identify companies in the Construction Sector. Subclasses should allow you to refine your search. For example, the description “Construction of residential and non-residential buildings” corresponds to code 412; code 433202 corresponds to the description “Installation of fixtures, furnishings, false ceilings, movable walls and the like”. Only the analysis of individual companies and above all dialogue with experts and in-depth connoisseurs of the individual companies, allows you to go further and understand the different specializations and business models that characterize them. During the Webinar we will analyze the data processed by Leanus for the Assimpredil ANCE Observatory, the association of construction companies of Milan, Lodi and Monza and Brianza and for 70 years the largest reality of ANCE, the National Association of Building Constructors of Confindustria.
Together with Antonio Gennari (Senior Advisor of Assimpredil Ance), Marco Martini (Vice President of the Assimpredil Study Center) e Robert Brioschi (Chartered Accountant Partner of CGP Studio Legale e Tributario) we analyze the data of the Observatory, we understand what differences characterize companies that operate with different specializations (Public Works, Developers, Demolitions, Complementaries), we will try to understand if there is a correlation between the riskiness of the company and the type of specialization, the size, geographic location or other variables.
We will evaluate what may be the combined effects deriving from the Coronavirus emergency, from the entry into force of the “Save Italy” Decree, from the postponement of the entry into force of the Crisis Code, also from the point of view of the Auditor. We simulate various scenarios to understand which companies will need new financial resources immediately and which challenges they will have to face both from a management and governance point of view.
Antonio Gennari - Senior Advisor of Assimpredil Ance
Marco Martini - Vice President of the Assimpredil Study Center
Robert Brioschi - Chartered Accountant Partner of CGP Law and Tax Firm
NOTE: The Leanus platform is constantly renewed and the individual functions are constantly updated. Some features shown in webinars may have consequences that were not yet available at the time of registration.