Credit to SMEs for internationalization, and more. The opportunities offered by SACE-SIMEST and ICCREA Banca Impresa

SIMEST is the 76% subsidiary of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti through SACE. Minority shareholders are the main banks and trade associations. Iccrea Bancaimpresa (Iccrea Cooperative Banking Group) concretely assists SMEs with various forms of subsidized financing and guarantees that can be added to those provided by the MCC Guarantee Fund.

Objective: favor the possibility of exploiting commercial and / or investment opportunities abroad and give concrete support to implement them according to the schemes and methods deemed most appropriate. Who can access? What are the costs and procedures envisaged? What information must be prepared in order to obtain answers from the system in a timely manner consistent with business needs. What are the possible causes of exclusion.

By simulating some real cases we will show how to evaluate the ability to repay the credit, the impact of an additional loan on the company accounting profile and finally how to provide the system with the set of information useful for speeding up the authorization process.

Joseph Filiaci - Head of Foreign Department - Iccrea BancaImpresa SpA
Charles DeSimone - Senior Expert External Relations - SIMEST SpA
Vincenzo Perrone - Strategic Management and Organization - Bocconi University


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